Q: When I have Divinity and Realmz running at the same time one or the other does not act right. Whats up with that?
A: Both Realmz and Divinity share a number of resource files. The Macintosh limits any one resource file to be open only in one application at a time. Because of that you should never run both applications at the same time. Always quit the one before you launch the other. It's a drag but there is nothing that can be done about this limitation. Until Apple designes an OS that can update resource maps in all open applications on the fly, it's the way its gotta be.
Q: Do the Extra Action Points used in the Random Rectangles count towards the 100 action points available in any one land level?
A: No. Those are Extra Action Points. The 100 limit applies to normal Action Points. There is no limit on the number of Extra Action Points you can define.
Q: I want to use a boat in my scenario. How do I go about scripting a boat?
A: By placing a boat tile anywhere near a shore tile you will give access to all boating functions to the party when they walk on it. The game automatically asks them if they want to get on a boat whenever they try to move on top of a boat tile.
You can still make it an Action Point and perform other actions if you wish.
Q: How do I make a Complex Encounter activate whenever the party clicks the ENCOUNTER button.
A: These hidden Complex Encounters must be set up using Random Rectangles. As an example, lets say you want to have a castle drawbrige to only let the party pass if they speak a magic word -OR- use a special item.
1) Place a Random Rectangle in the area around the drawbridge.
2) Make the X's in 10,000 value a -1. This tells the game that this rectangle will activate the script noted in the first X-AP ID box when the player is inside the rectangle and clicks the ENCOUTNER button.
3) Place the ID of the X-AP you want activated by the ENCOUNTER button in the first of the 3 possible X-AP boxes.
Script the X-AP specified in No. 3 above so it will activate the Complex Encounter or whatever else you want to happen when they click the ENCOUNTER button at that location.
Note: If the party clicks the ENCOUNTER button but is not inside any Random Rectangles that would activate an X-AP (i.e. They are not inside any rectangles that have a X's in 10,000 value of -1) then X-AP no. 0 is activated by default. You should always script X-AP no. 0 so it activates Complex Encoutner 0. Define Complex Encounter 0 so it's a generic Complex Encounter that lets them try stuff but never really gives them any results.
Q: I want to have an action point initialy inactive but then want to activate it after I replace the tile on which it sits. But when I replace the tile the Action Point is gone. How can I do this?
A: This is possible but takes a little care.
First, create the Action Point and place it where it will be AFTER the new land tile appears.
Determing the ID of the land tile that will be there after the change. Example: If the current tile is grass but you will be changing it to a portion of a Castle, determin the ID of the Castle Icon. For the sake of this example we will say the ID of the Castle tile is -50 (Negative 50)
When the time comes, you can use a code 12 to change the land tile to -50. However, this will not set it as an Action Point. To make sure the game sees it as an Action Point you need to add 1000 to the value. In this case, chage the land tile to -1050 (Negative 1050) and it will remain an action point.
The same would hold true if the new tile was ID 79. You would set it to 1079 to bring it in as an Action Point.
It's very important that when you place the new Action Point tile that it have the exact same location as when you created the Action Point. Stored internaly in the Action Point is the location at which it sits. If you create the Action Point at X: 50 Y: 25 and then bring it in using a Code 12 to X: 49 Y:24 it will not react correctly and may crash the game.
Here is a example of how to do this. I will use Tile IDs to represent land tiles. First I will create a 2 x 2 land tile area.
5 6
7 8
Then when I make one land tile an Action Point, the game sees it like this.
5 6
1007 8
The 1007 would still look like land tile no. 7 but would be treated like an Action Point.
Now you can erase the land tiles (Use the FORCE check box to get rid of the Action Point Tile) so it would look like whatever you want.
Later in the game when you want to bring back your special 2 x 2 land section you change the land tiles to:
5 6
1007 8
and the lower left section will be treated as an Action Point.
Q: Will Fantasoft put my scenario on their site so people can download it?
A: Maybe... Because of a limited amount of space we have on our site, we may not be able to place every scenario created on our site. However if space is available we will. We will maintain a web page with links to scenarios on other sites. If you create a web site with scenarios let us know about it and we will link to it.
Q: I want to distribute my scenario and have people pay for registrations using Kagi or some other third party. Can I do this?
A: No. All registrations MUST be made payable to the individual licensed for the Divinity software. This license is NOT transferable and no third party can accept registrations on your behalf. This includes CompuServe SWRG and other systems of similar nature. All payments must be mailed to you directly.
Q: I have a number of scenarios and I want to have them distributed on a shareware CD. Can I do that?
A: If you have the opportunity to have your scenarios placed on a shareware CD you can do that as long as a few restrictions are met. The CD cannot be a compilation of scenarios from a number of users for sale by a third party as a commercial product. i.e. If they charge more for the CD than the actual costs of production of the CD it would be in violation of the license agreement.
Q: Can I upload my scenario to America Online or other online services.
A: Yes. However, your full name, as it appears on your license, MUST accompany the upload and be fully visible in the download documentation.
Q: My friend who does not own a copy of Divinity wants to make a scenario and have me collect the fees. Can I do that?
A: No. If you know somebody who wants to make a scenario then they need to purchase a separate license to do so.